Bajric Sanel
Ph.D. Economics & Computer Science
Fractional Reserve Banking: Creating Wealth out of Thin Air

Have you ever wondered how banks create money, seemingly out of thin air? It sounds like magic, or even a trick. But this isn’t a sleight of hand—it’s the essence of a process known as fractional reserve banking, a cornerstone of the modern economy. The wizardry lies in the math and the mechanics of the system. So let’s pull back the curtain and unravel this intriguing process.
The Basics of Fractional Reserve Banking
At its heart, fractional reserve banking is a system that allows banks to lend out more money than they physically have in their reserves. When a bank receives a deposit, it keeps a fraction of it in reserve and lends out the rest. This lending is then redeposited, and the process continues, leading to the creation of new money.
Let’s consider an example: Imagine that Bank A receives a deposit of $1000. If the reserve requirement is 10%, Bank A can lend out $900 and must keep $100 in reserve. This $900 can then be deposited in Bank B, which keeps $90 in reserve and lends out $810. This process continues, creating more money with each round of lending.
This can be summarized mathematically:
For the initial deposit of D dollars and a reserve requirement of r, the total amount of money (M) that can be created is given by:
M = D / r
For our example, where D = $1000 and r = 10% or 0.1,
M = $1000 / 0.1 = $10,000
But how is it possible that we started with $1000 and ended up with $10,000? This increase is due to the money multiplier effect.
The Magic of the Money Multiplier
The money multiplier is a factor that quantifies the impact of the banking system’s ability to create money. It is calculated as the inverse of the reserve ratio. So if the reserve requirement is 10%, the money multiplier is 10.
Money Multiplier = 1 / r
The idea here is that every dollar deposited in the banking system can increase the money supply by more than one dollar, thanks to the money multiplier effect.
The Role of Central Banks
Central banks are the puppet masters controlling the strings of the fractional reserve banking system. They set the reserve requirement, indirectly controlling the amount of money that banks can create.
Central banks can increase or decrease the reserve requirement to control inflation and stabilize the economy. A higher reserve requirement means banks can lend less, reducing the money supply and potentially slowing down the economy. On the other hand, a lower reserve requirement allows banks to lend more, stimulating economic activity by increasing the money supply.
The Balance of Risk and Reward
While fractional reserve banking is a powerful tool for economic growth, it’s not without risks. If everyone decided to withdraw their money at the same time—a situation known as a bank run—the bank wouldn’t have enough reserves to cover all the withdrawals. This is where the central bank often steps in as a lender of last resort, ensuring stability in the banking system.
Moreover, the very process of money creation through lending also means that an increase in the money supply can lead to inflation if not properly managed. Inflation erodes the purchasing power of money, highlighting the delicate balancing act central banks must perform.
**Different Scenarios**
Scenario 1 – Small Town Banks
Imagine a small town with three banks: Bank A, Bank B, and Bank C. The reserve requirement set by the central bank is 10%.
Step 1: An entrepreneur deposits $20,000 into Bank A. Bank A keeps 10% ($2000) in reserve and loans out the remaining $18,000 to a local business.
Step 2: The local business deposits the $18,000 loan into Bank B. Bank B keeps $1800 in reserve (10%) and lends out the remaining $16,200 to a homeowner for renovations.
Step 3: The homeowner pays a contractor the $16,200, who then deposits it into Bank C. Bank C keeps $1620 in reserve (10%) and lends out the remaining $14,580.
From the initial deposit of $20,000, the money supply has grown to $20,000 (original deposit) + $18,000 (first loan) + $16,200 (second loan) + $14,580 (third loan) = $68,780, and this process can continue.
Scenario 2 – Large Scale Example
Let’s scale this up. Consider a deposit of $1 million into a bank, with a reserve requirement of 10%.
Step 1: The bank keeps $100,000 in reserve and lends out $900,000. This money is used for various purchases and eventually gets deposited back into the banking system.
Step 2: Of this $900,000, $90,000 is kept in reserve and $810,000 is loaned out.
Step 3: Again, the $810,000 is spent and re-deposited into the banking system, where $81,000 is kept in reserve and $729,000 is loaned out.
As this cycle continues, the original $1 million deposit can theoretically create up to $10 million in the money supply.
The fractional reserve banking system, a seemingly magical mechanism, is in fact guided by the principles of mathematics and economics. It’s not about pulling rabbits from hats, but rather a dynamic process that stimulates economic activity and growth. The next time you deposit money into your bank, remember: you’re participating in the spellbinding spectacle of creating wealth out of thin air.
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